I had my second dental surgery this morning. This time, it’s at the UM dental clinic. I went there last Friday and had an appointment booked for today’s surgery. The process taken up for this surgery went on quiet smoothly and quickly, from registration to teeth check to x-ray followed by today’s appointment. Thanks to Dr Zamri whom I met on my arrival at the clinic the other day. He was the one who assigned me to the dentist in charge which I was later attended by Dr Hazmyr, another postgrad dentist who saw me last puasa month for information on my previous masters research related to dentistry…what a coincidence and how easy it is dealing with matters when there’s a good network of contact…and the best about this is that the surgery was completely free of charge. I could have saved RM300 from the previous surgery if I were fully convinced that the process of tooth removal at a university clinic isn’t an endless wait.
The appointment was at 10pm. Nurse Min who attended me last Friday directed me to the operation theatre where the dentist came in a few minutes later. After a short review by Dr Hazmyr, I understood that both lower and upper wisdom teeth of the right side of my jaw will have to be removed. Somehow or rather, I was not as terrified as I was during the previous dental surgery. Perhaps, it’s becoz these two were friendly and very concern about the patient’s feeling thus made me comfortable throughout the procedure. They even had a conversation with me forgetting that there were utensils in my mouth, which of course prevented me from talking.
During the surgery this time, I was given 3 doses of local anaesthetic, 2 for lower and 1 for upper jaw. The removal of both wisdom teeth took exactly half and hour, a shorter time than the previous and honestly, it wasn’t as painful compared to the first perhaps due to the advanced tools used during the surgical procedures. Again, I received the same remark as Dr Louise who removed my tooth during the first dental surgery, a comment by Dr Hazmyr was that I have strong teeth which require extra force for removal and for once, a vague illusion of an unlucky female dentist struggling to remove my teeth appeared briefly in my head if I had been attended by one. When the upper tooth was finally detached, I was told that it had 4 roots while it should only have 2. Was it good or bad? I didn't know how to react. The fact that I had to wear the green operation gown and had my eyes closed with a cloth throughout the surgery assured me that the process will be professionally performed and certainly, I was right. Glad that I didn’t have to encounter the fright of the tooth extracting forceps. On completion of the procedures, I was given antibiotics and painkillers to be taken every 6 hours.
The appointment was at 10pm. Nurse Min who attended me last Friday directed me to the operation theatre where the dentist came in a few minutes later. After a short review by Dr Hazmyr, I understood that both lower and upper wisdom teeth of the right side of my jaw will have to be removed. Somehow or rather, I was not as terrified as I was during the previous dental surgery. Perhaps, it’s becoz these two were friendly and very concern about the patient’s feeling thus made me comfortable throughout the procedure. They even had a conversation with me forgetting that there were utensils in my mouth, which of course prevented me from talking.
During the surgery this time, I was given 3 doses of local anaesthetic, 2 for lower and 1 for upper jaw. The removal of both wisdom teeth took exactly half and hour, a shorter time than the previous and honestly, it wasn’t as painful compared to the first perhaps due to the advanced tools used during the surgical procedures. Again, I received the same remark as Dr Louise who removed my tooth during the first dental surgery, a comment by Dr Hazmyr was that I have strong teeth which require extra force for removal and for once, a vague illusion of an unlucky female dentist struggling to remove my teeth appeared briefly in my head if I had been attended by one. When the upper tooth was finally detached, I was told that it had 4 roots while it should only have 2. Was it good or bad? I didn't know how to react. The fact that I had to wear the green operation gown and had my eyes closed with a cloth throughout the surgery assured me that the process will be professionally performed and certainly, I was right. Glad that I didn’t have to encounter the fright of the tooth extracting forceps. On completion of the procedures, I was given antibiotics and painkillers to be taken every 6 hours.
It is now, 8 hours after surgery and my left cheek is starting to swell but I’m so thankful that my gums isn’t bleeding terribly and the pain is still bearable though I had to rely on nasi bubur for the next couple of days. Depending on my condition, I may have to remove the last upper left wisdom tooth sometime next week …Guess I’m getting used to this tooth removing procedures but it better be the last! Last but not least, thanks to Dr Hazmyr and Nurse Min for the kind attention throughout the entire process.

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